Design in 3 dimensions! Kids can use our 3Doodler Start Pens and optional Doodle Molds to make custom 3D creations.
Recommended for ages 7–12.
Children will get a chance to 3D-print by hand using our MakerSpace 3Doodler Start Pens. These pens use 3D printing technology, and they are safe for kids because they use low-heat plastic that hardens quickly.
Kids can use their imagination to create something unique, or they can use one of several Doodle Molds to help them along. We will have Doodle Molds for designs including jewelry, robots, rockets, vehicles, wild animals, and Hexbugs. If they choose to make Hexbugs, we will have motors that they can use to make the bugs move!
Only 10 spots are available due to our limited number of 3Doodler Start Pens, so you are welcome to register children here to guarantee them a spot.
Note: Please only register children who will be using a 3Doodler Start Pen (not adults who will be supervising). Registrations may not be honored if you do not arrive on time. If you are not able to attend, please cancel so that someone else can take your spot(s). If you have any questions or need any assistance, you can call 352-472-1135.
AGE GROUP: | Elementary (6-11 years) |
EVENT TYPE: | MakerSpace | Computers & Technology | Arts, Crafts, & DIY |
TAGS: | Technology | STEM | STEAM | Robots | Robotics | MakerSpace | Make | Imagination | Hexbugs | Design | Custom | Creativity | Create | Art | 3Doodler Start | 3Doodler Pens | 3Doodler | 3D printing | 3D designs | 3D design | 3D creations | 3D |
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