Join the Gainesville Bromeliad Society for their monthly meeting at the Millhopper Branch every 4th Sunday at 2 p.m. This month's speaker is Tom Wolfe.
The Gainesville Bromeliad Society is an enthusiastic garden club of bromeliad growers–novice to expert, with some members having over 30 years experience of growing plants in the frosty temperatures of a North Central Florida winter. Come learn more about how the bromeliad is the LMP (low maintenance plant) for your home and garden. Find out more information by visiting the Gainesville Bromeliad Society's website and Facebook page.
At each meeting there will be a guest speaker for the first hour and then a brief business meeting, show and tell, and door prize give away.
Questions? Email:
The Millhopper Branch Library provides access to resources and services in Northwest Gainesville and surrounding areas.